It appears that permission has finally been granted for a redevelopment of the site at 4-19 Stockwell Street. Currently the space is occupied by John Humphries House, and car parking space which is used as Greenwich Village Market at the weekends. Planning application 07/0897/F is still listed as “Decision Pending” on the Greenwich Council Planning website, but “Hi, Standard” has a report from someone who was at the council meeting where it was unanimously voted in favour of, and in the application’s supporting documents there is a letter filed last week which says permission has been granted.
The market on that space has been going for nearly twenty years and has a quirky charm which I think will have many supporters who will mourn its passing, but it is a weekend market, and for the rest of the week it’s just a car park used by businesses renting offices in the really, very dated John Humphries House.
The approved plans include a four storey block with 129 residential units, offices, retail spaces and an arcade area which will still provide for some market stalls. I believe the sensitivity of the area – with it being part of the UNESCO World Heritage site – and the proximity to the railway line, have been the cause of the delays over the years but with permission now seemingly given, what do you think about the decision?