Greenwich residents face a 150% increase in the cost of car parking permits next year and visitors to the town centre could pay almost twice as much to park.
The large increases in the cost of car parking are part of a package of cost saving and revenue raising measures put together by council officers in response to budget cuts imposed by the Government.
The proposals would see the cost of a yearly resident car parking permit rise from £27.70 to £70 – a rise of over 152%. A further rise would come into effect in 2013 taking the cost to £84 per year.
Business parking permits face a 358% increase, leaping from £24.00 to £110 and then rising again to £132 in 2013.
Town centre parking is set to rise by 92% with the price per hour at Burney Street, Greenwich Park Row and Cutty Sark Gardens car parks going from £1.30 an hour to £2.50, and then rising again to £2.70 per hour by 2013.
The cost of parking in metered pays in road adjacent to Greenwich Park, such as Maze Hill, Park Row and Park Vista, will also rise to £2.50 and then again to £2.90 per hour in 2014.
The cost of parking in the park itself increased this year to bring it into line with local authority charging but a spokesperson for Royal Parks has told that “Royal Parks currently has no plans to increase parking charges in Greenwich Park.”
New charging areas would be established in East Greenwich and Westcombe, as well as elsewhere in the borough, although council officers say that “detailed consultation will be required” and that a review would take place after six months.
The new charges are expected to come into force on April 1st, 2011. Taken as a whole, the council believes that the changes will bring in almost £2million in additional revenue a year by 2013 which would be used to “contribute additional revenue towards the cost of the parking service and enforcement operations and other transport related activities.”
A great way to discourage visitors. At £1.30 an hour it’s expensive, at £2.50 I wouldn’t bother parking and go somewhere else!
Are they trying to kill the town centre off? These proposed increases are outrageous.
So the increase is set to be £42 per permit across the board!!!!
This means my £15 permit for a quiet side street with only a 1hr window in which you cant park here, is now going to cost me £57 per year.
This is a massive p take.
A few weeks ago i parked in Maze hill like i do most weeks at around 4-30 after picking the kids up from school,so i then have to pay for only 2 hrs parking which works out at about £1.60 as you can free park after 6-30pm.
This week i done the same but couldn’t understand why the money going into the meter wasn’t adding the time up.
Then after a quick look and seeing the charges it worked out that it would now cost me £5.00! to park for 2hrs!
I was wondering why there wasn’t any cars parked on the hill.Now i know why.
So arches have lost my familys custom and we now go swimming elsewhere,and by the looks of the surrounding area everyone else is going elsewhere as well!
Funny eh? What a joke!
It is a disgrace, how can Greenwich Council justify increases of over 250% for some residents?!
In Abbeywood, Greening and Shieldhall Street, one side of each street is Free Parking, Which is jam packed like sardine cans by 7.30 each morning with BEXLEY residents parking for FREE all day long whilst they go to work by British Rail. This leaves no free spaces for residents, Friends, family & workers. We have been a FREE British rail car park for residents outside the borough for some years now as they can save upto £800 a year on season tickets by driving into our Borough. Now our parking permits rise from £15 to £57 thats an increase of over 250% !! is that LEGAL ?
i cannot believe that this greedy bunch of twats are making us pay extra to park out side are own house. what is the road tax for i dont understand how this can be legal, i pay my road tax my insurance mot and now iv got parking permit, why do you think that motorist are a easy fix to rob money, you disgust me, and to cap it of you get foreiners to come around and remove people,s cars, none of no if they are legal, we had a letter saying it was goin up four pounds now i have found it has nearly gone up as much as my road tax, somebody has got to challenge this this cannot be legal to say one has to pay and the other doesnt , you council workers are the biggest bunch of thieves and dishonest bunch of people that ever crawled out of your slimmey rock.
no expect not, if it is legal to charge so much money to park no one will want to come to greenwich of any other buisness they are crazy and greenwich residents should stand up and say no to these thieves