A photo of the Royal row barge Gloriana passing the Cutty Sark that I didn’t post up on the website earlier in the year.
You are here: Greenwich / Daily Photo / Daily Photo: 04/10/2012 – Gloriana and the Cutty Sark
Greenwich news and information
By Rob Powell
hi there my names alan and i work for the borough of greenwich i am interested in the friends of alfrege park but dont seem to be able to get any infomation on whethere they are still going. just wondering really if you can give me an insite on the situation. thank you
Handy Al
Hi Handy Al
First off, I hear you’re doing an excellent job tidying up the town centre. Many thanks! Keep up the good work, and hope you’ll turn your attentions to East Greenwich soon!
On your request, I’ve asked a member of the (former) Friends of St Alfege Park to get in touch with you directly.
All best,
Thanks for that, Franklin. Hopefully I’ll have something on the website quite soon about this too.